Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thursday 2 August

The theme of the week at Medbury is gratitude so each night we have been going around the table saying what we are grateful for. Today's one is different from the other nights in that tonight neither of the boys were thankful for their dinner. I tried a new recipe on them, pork with dried apricots, prunes & pineapple. It really didn't go down well with them & then to add insult to inury for them I cooked a rice rissotto (which they normally love) that was a new flavour for them & they hated the flavour of that too.

I'm just pleased that at least someone liked my meal besides myself. Sometimes you wonder why you bother cooking a meal when all the food is left on the plate, it just seems like such a waste. Luckily I didn't serve it all up so Scott & I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow.


Vern said...

I can relate completely Katrina.
Some day's I wish I had ordered Pizza.

Hannah said...

Oh Katrina, I feel like that (why bother??) almost every night!!
But I have to say, your recipe sounds quite delicious!! Care to share it on your blog?? I know my hubby would enjoy it, and probably Mr Almost 3 (Mr 5 may not like it, but he will just have to go hungry as I refuse to pander to his needs!!)

heather said...

I can relate! It's annoying when you go to the trouble of making something different and they hate it! LOL My son has a habit of saying :"What IS that stuff?" LOL

bahama97 said...

I can totally relate. Some days I think I am just cooking for the dogs...ugh!

I like the idea of saying what you are grateful for.

Mel said...

LOL about the meal - I can relate. My Mr 7 is a creature of habit and would like the same dinner every night. Very hard breaking him out to try ew things.