Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Unlucky things

I am taking part in this challenge.


Challenge #1 is to list your unlucky things.

A few things that I find unlucky.
- not getting my first cup of coffee until after lunch
- stepping in dog poo when going for a jog
- starting to make dinner (late) & then finding out that I don't have everything I need to make it.
- I don't walk under ladders. I know this is superstition but I still won't do it.
-making breakfast & finding that the milk has gone off.
- one that has been happening frequently is making sandwiches one day before the bread's expiry date only to find the bread is mouldy. This is really starting to hack me off, why do the manufacturers put the wrong use by date on the bread?

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Oh I hate it when in the middle of cooking that I find I dont have everything. BUT I never learn....lol. I seem to make that mistake a bit.